Thursday, April 09, 2009

Stateline Supermoto and Calico Ghost Town

I found out that there was going to be a supermoto race at Stateline and had to go. Miles and I took off around 7:00PM on Friday night and got there around 11:30PM. After a short night’s sleep, we were up and off to the races. It was not what I thought it was going to be. I thought it was this big event. It was to an extent, but there was no place for people to sit to watch the races. Not a big deal normally, but when you are walking and standing for a long time after 4 months off, it was hard. I enjoyed they fact there were so many Supermotos in one place. I just never get to see that. It was also the first time I had seen quads racing. They are nutty out there. We watched some races, and then stepped inside the outlet mall they were behind for a snack. Turned out that Miles bought a few things, and I ended up with a nice outfit and two dresses. Miles loves the fact that I can wear just about anything. I was happy to say that everything I got was a size 2. Not too bad for someone that is 36 years old and 5’7”. Lol It was nice to get something that I can go out in. I always struggle with that.
We could not stay long at the race because we had to go home so that I could pack to leave the next morning nice and early to go to Bass Lake. As we were headed home, Miles surprised me by stopping at Calico Ghost Town. I always want to stop there on the way home from Femmoto, but never do. It was bigger than I thought. It was hard walking around, but I did it. I had a good time.

I don't know how they jump like that.
for video of the start of a supermoto race.
I was trying to watch the riders movements and what they were doing.
I would love to learn to ride a supermoto better.

This guy almost lost it.

My First time seeing Quads race.


I can see why they would need to take a bath with all that dirt.

Should I build a fire under that tub?

Hummmm.... something is off here.

Don't ask how, I am not telling. :-)

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