Saturday, April 18, 2009

From Flab to Fab

I have been working hard to get my foot back in action. I am not happy with the once/twice a week therapy that I have so I joined Bally’s Total Fitness to step up the recovery. Let me start with the fact that I hate gyms you have to pay for. All through school and now for 9 years of teaching I have had access to a gym for free. Now I have to pay for one and I find it frustrating. It’s not because I have to pay, it’s just that I hate that used car salesman feeling. After pitching me the original $99 start up fee, it ended up $0 start up fee after me saying no, no, no, no for 15 minutes. The 3 year plan for $34.00 p/month ended up $29.00 p/ month on a month to month basis. It was the battle of the saleswoman VS’ the penny pincher. The penny pincher won.
Next came my one free work out with a personal trainer. I told the guy I was a PE teacher. I guess that means I only know how to through a football or something. Not that I have a degree in Kinesiology or anything. He proceeded to run through a workout with me (like I had never been in a gym before). I had to tell him about my foot since I still limp and can’t bend my big toe or ankle that well. I told him I had been sitting for 4 months and that I am weak as a whole. We were both surprised that I was able to do everything he asked. I even did better on a balance ball than he did. That’s with a foot that I can’t stand on alone. Lol Then came the hard sale for getting a personal trainer. Can’t I just workout? What pissed me off was that I was overly clear that I did not want to get phone calls and be bothered at home. I had to list an emergency contact number when signing up. I can see that. People get hurt or have a problem and they need to get a hold of someone. Well, I gave them Miles cell number. They called him and asked if he wanted to join. It was my emergency contact number they called, and that was one day after I joined. What the heck? I gave them an ear full.
With all that junk, I find that I am enjoying my first week of membership. The pool is down for a week, but I will be in the pool each day. I enjoy working out. I can’t wait to get back in shape and feel better about myself. My one leg is still skinner than my other, but I hope that will come back faster now that I am working out. I want to get into riding shape. I hope my foot will be able to shift a bike so I can ride soon. I hope to work out every weekday. I am starting off small right now, but I will get there in time. Look out here I come!
4.5 months after breaking my foot.

Not there yet, but much better.

Got a set of replacement gloves since my others were trashed in the crash.

Ready for the throttle.

Oh my gosh, I got my dress boots on! It was not much fun to walk in them, but I did it. It was fun to dress nice and go to a nice dinner. I still have a ways to go, but it's getting there. I am still limping and my foot hurts with each step, but I keep working on it. :-)

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