Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Deadliest Catch

I am happy to see that the show Deadliest Catch is returning for another season tonight. I have been looking forward to it for some time now. I have been watching this show from the start. I Tivo it so I don’t miss any. This is odd considering I do not like seafood. I don’t like anything that comes from water. I am a land carnivore. No, I don’t like shrimp. No I don’t like lobster. I like the butter it’s dipped in, but I don’t taste the lobster with all the butter. The texture is not so great so why pay all that money to eat butter flavored rubber? Yes, I have had good seafood. No, I don’t assume I won’t like it, I always try it. I always don’t like it. The smell alone is the worst. A skunk smells better. With this strong aversion to seafood, why would I want to watch people catching it? I don’t know. I just love all the hard work, blood, guts, and craziness that makes up that show. I think someone that has worked their muscles to the point they give out due to fatigue knows a little about what the fishermen are going through. They take it to the next level, but you have some kind of understanding.
It’s a great show. I think a lot of people now appreciate the hard working people behind the scenes that make our world go round. Farmers, factory workers, and fishermen our hats are off to you.
My favorite ships are .........

Cornelia Marie

and Northwestern

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