Sunday, May 31, 2009

New raceway and funny story

I heard on a supermoto forum that there was going to be a supermoto track built in Pala. That’s about an hour and a half away I believe. Not too bad considering there are no tracks around. The track is really set up for dirt riders, but they are considering other sports as well. Supermoto, karts, and BMX just to name a few. I was looking at their web site and saw that they were open to people emailing them and giving some advice on the track. I wrote asking if they were going to allow small displacement bikes on the kart track. They said yes. I also said that they might want to look into some shade structures and maybe putting in metal loops in the ground for people to hook their EZ-Ups to so they don’t blow away. They said they are already looking into shade structures, but they had not thought of the loops. They liked the idea and will look into it. How cool was that? They were not only nice, but really did want input into make the place the best it could be. So if you see loops there and tie your canopy to it, you can think of me. Hahahahaha
I hope that there will be some supermoto races there. I would also like to see some small bike races on the kart track. It’s nice to see a place for people to go. You could make a long weekend out of it. The hotel/casino is really nice. They have good food, and Palamar is not far away. You can hit some really tight mountain roads, and a track the same weekend. Not bad at all. Video on a test day at the track.

I do have a funny story about Pala.
I went there once not too long ago. My dad was in a blackjack tournament there. I was still on crutches and just gotten my cast off but was unable to walk yet. My foot was still fragile. My mom thought it would be nice to get me out of the house and head to Temecula for the day. We tried to check out the old town area, but I was really tired from using crutches. We did not make it too far. We then joined my dad for an early dinner. I was wiped out from crutching all over town. My dad said the fastest way to the buffet was to cut through the restroom. I needed to wash my hands before eating anyways so that was perfect. As I went into the restroom I noticed that the floor was wet from everyone washing their hand and dripping on the floor to get a towel. This makes for a bad situation on crutches. Smooth wet tile is no good. After washing my hands I was carefully trying to get to the exit when a lady came from the stall area, and about knocked me down as she cut in front of me to wash her hands. I was shocked that she did that. I almost lost my balance and fell. My mom was right behind me and had to react fast so she did not run into me. I stumbled a bit. I was soooooooooooo mad at that women that I wacked her in the leg with my crutch. Nice and hard. I of course acted like I stumbled and could not help it. I said,” Oh, I am so sorry” and kept crutching out towards the exit. The lady started to say,” Oh that’s………..”. You could almost hear the wheels turning her head. You could tell that she was slowly figuring out that I hit her on purpose. What could she say to me? As I was almost out of the restroom I looked back at my mom. She had a big smile on her face with a look that said “good for you”. You have to know me. I don’t do things like that. I just get upset and try to be the better person. That lady was way out of line and needed a lesson. Being a teacher, I was happy to teacher her a lesson in manners and to have respect for people that have a limitation they you do not. I only hope that left a lasting impression……………. on her leg. (Wink, Wink)

Friday, May 29, 2009

Speedway Races Are Back!

(Pictures take with phone so they are not the best.)
Short phone video of the sidecars.Click HERE

Only a few miles away there is a facility that hosts speedway races. It’s a very nice facility and it gets a pretty good crowds. It’s the City of Industry Speedway Races. This last Wed. was opening night. Not only that, but they were for sure going to have sidecar racing that night. I love the sidecars. Everyone thinks I am nuts that I want to do that. I could totally be the monkey. There are a lot of women monkeys out there. I might like it or I might hate it. It looks fun and like something I could do. I just need a bike. My best buddy and racing friend Mike said he rode them before. He could ride and I could be on the back. Now all we need is a bike. LOL I like the idea of a 69 year old driver with a broken foot women monkey. Talk about breaking out of the mold.
The races were great and I had a good time. My well wishes go out the one rider that ended up doing a 12 0’clock wheelie hanging on and smashed into the wood wall. You know he is hurting and something is broken. Well wishes to you.
I think the best part of the races are my parents coming out to watch them also. It’s only minutes from their house. The show up with water and peanuts. I show up with seat cushions and ear plugs. It’s a perfect blend. Miles and I end up running into some friends and we end up with a small section of people we know. The dirt is flying, the beer is spilling, and the crazy booby girls are a plenty. It’s so funny to watch some of these women strutting their stuff. Others strutted their lack of stuff or over the hill stuff. One lady had on short shorts, a top with boobs falling out, a beer in one hand and a child dragging behind in the other. She was surprisingly plus size considering all the walking around she was doing in front of the stands.
Over all it was a blast. A motor blew, a guy crashed hard, and others crashed and got up. The exhaust was thick in the air, and the sound of the motors left your ears ringing. Good times on a Wed night.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Surgery Again

A visit to my surgeon this week brought less than exciting news. Seems that I have to have surgery again on my foot. They are going to try to free my big toe’s tendon. (50/50 chance it will help in any way)That way I can move my big toe. He wants to do it as soon as possible, but I am going to Italy from June 5-14. There is no way I am going to have it before that. I am already going to have a hard time walking around, but that would make it so much worse. I will have the surgery June 18th. I hope I can get the stitches out before Laguna Seca. I wanted to ride to the bike night. Also, I only have motorcycle parking since I always ride into the track. Can you shift with stitches? Will my foot be too swollen to get a shoe one? I am getting sick of this. I still have not ridden a bike since November 30, the day of the crash. This got me thinking. My birthday is November 24th. I have only had 5 good days of my 36th year of my life. 5 days into it, I had a crash, surgery, my dog passed, surgery again and more….. What the heck? I am looking forward to turning 37. I am washing my hands of this year of my life. Hahahaha
I have to remind myself of the good things. ITALY! I can’t wait. Too bad my foot is holding me back, but I don’t care. I know it will be great. I can’t wait to see all there is. I have been trying to work out every week day so I can get ready for the trip. Look out Italy, a long lost Lucchesi is on her way!
Time to kick my Rosetta Stone Italiano into full gear. All I know how to say is, dog, cat, yellow, red, pants, hello, goodbye, and eat. Maybe I know a little more, but what good does saying,” black cat sleeping” do me?

Friday, May 08, 2009

My Sweet Bailey R.I.P.

To my dear sweet Bailey,
Thank you for keeping me safe at night. Thank you for being my best friend. Thank you for just “knowing” what to do and when. Thank you for being the most amazing dog I have ever seen. Your kindness, intelligence, and love were more than I could have ever asked of you. You made each day a little brighter, and the bad days much better. I will never forget dancing around the living room with you in my arms as the music played. I never told anyone about our little dances. I will never forget how each night you would jump on the bed, sniff my face, and lay at my feet. You would always check on me. I will never forget a hard time that left me crying and you came to me, curled up with me and let me cry as I held you. How did you know? I will never forget seeing you lay in the sun. I will never forget you lying in the cool flowers. I will never forget the never ending amount of love you showed me. I will never forget. My heart is broken, but the thoughts of you will help it heal in time.
I love you.


That’s my good girl.

2/14/96 - 5/08/09

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Fun and Games

Take me out to the ball game……

We went to a baseball game the other night with some friends. I was glad it was an Angels game. If I had to pick a team as my favorite, they would be it. The stadium is clean and the people are nice. As I was sitting there I kept seeing outdoor vendor after outdoor vendor walk by selling things. From what I remember as a kid, they would sell peanuts and hot dogs. Now they sell peanuts, hot dogs, California Pizza Kitchen pizzas, beer, sodas, ice cream, popcorn, cotton candy, red vines, pretzels, a big foam finger or a rally monkey. That’s just to name a few. You never have to get out of your seat. There happened to be a family behind me that wanted to buy everything that they had to sell. I quickly figured out that a baseball game is probably one of the only places in the USA that people pass their money to strangers. It moves along person to person as it goes down the row. Then with amazement you get your food and your change back. No wonder its America’s pastime.

One of many vendors selling things. I think I could eat just about everything that went by. There is nothing like a baseball games and a lap full of food.

Mako and Alin.

Angles won!


Miles and I had never been to a soccer game before. He was able to get some tickets for a game through work and thought it would be a good idea for us to go. It was really fun. I was a little worried about how the crowd would be. I have been to Dogger games and it is less than enjoyable with drunken guys yelling and cussing. A soccer game in this area had the potential to be the same. I was pleasantly surprised. Everyone was nice, knew the players and was totally into the game. I don’t know the fine details about soccer, but it was still really fun. I have always said that I believe there are three sports that most people are exposed to that rank high above the rest. They are soccer, cross country, and water polo.

Watching the players move their feet around the soccer ball was amazing. Seeing them kick a ball all the way across the length of the field was inspiring. Watching a ball go flying through the air and a player bounces it off his head in the direction of his team mate was astonishing. I would be out cold on the ground if that ball had hit me in the head. LOL The best part was how into the game people were. That made the game worth it. They even had little kids playing soccer out on the field during half time. It was so cute. It was a fun night and I would like to do that again sometime. Now I know I need to bring a drum or a horn or something.


Fun at the game.


I want to sit in that section next time! :-)

A fun way to spend a night.