Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Surgery Again

A visit to my surgeon this week brought less than exciting news. Seems that I have to have surgery again on my foot. They are going to try to free my big toe’s tendon. (50/50 chance it will help in any way)That way I can move my big toe. He wants to do it as soon as possible, but I am going to Italy from June 5-14. There is no way I am going to have it before that. I am already going to have a hard time walking around, but that would make it so much worse. I will have the surgery June 18th. I hope I can get the stitches out before Laguna Seca. I wanted to ride to the bike night. Also, I only have motorcycle parking since I always ride into the track. Can you shift with stitches? Will my foot be too swollen to get a shoe one? I am getting sick of this. I still have not ridden a bike since November 30, the day of the crash. This got me thinking. My birthday is November 24th. I have only had 5 good days of my 36th year of my life. 5 days into it, I had a crash, surgery, my dog passed, surgery again and more….. What the heck? I am looking forward to turning 37. I am washing my hands of this year of my life. Hahahaha
I have to remind myself of the good things. ITALY! I can’t wait. Too bad my foot is holding me back, but I don’t care. I know it will be great. I can’t wait to see all there is. I have been trying to work out every week day so I can get ready for the trip. Look out Italy, a long lost Lucchesi is on her way!
Time to kick my Rosetta Stone Italiano into full gear. All I know how to say is, dog, cat, yellow, red, pants, hello, goodbye, and eat. Maybe I know a little more, but what good does saying,” black cat sleeping” do me?

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