Sunday, May 31, 2009

New raceway and funny story

I heard on a supermoto forum that there was going to be a supermoto track built in Pala. That’s about an hour and a half away I believe. Not too bad considering there are no tracks around. The track is really set up for dirt riders, but they are considering other sports as well. Supermoto, karts, and BMX just to name a few. I was looking at their web site and saw that they were open to people emailing them and giving some advice on the track. I wrote asking if they were going to allow small displacement bikes on the kart track. They said yes. I also said that they might want to look into some shade structures and maybe putting in metal loops in the ground for people to hook their EZ-Ups to so they don’t blow away. They said they are already looking into shade structures, but they had not thought of the loops. They liked the idea and will look into it. How cool was that? They were not only nice, but really did want input into make the place the best it could be. So if you see loops there and tie your canopy to it, you can think of me. Hahahahaha
I hope that there will be some supermoto races there. I would also like to see some small bike races on the kart track. It’s nice to see a place for people to go. You could make a long weekend out of it. The hotel/casino is really nice. They have good food, and Palamar is not far away. You can hit some really tight mountain roads, and a track the same weekend. Not bad at all. Video on a test day at the track.

I do have a funny story about Pala.
I went there once not too long ago. My dad was in a blackjack tournament there. I was still on crutches and just gotten my cast off but was unable to walk yet. My foot was still fragile. My mom thought it would be nice to get me out of the house and head to Temecula for the day. We tried to check out the old town area, but I was really tired from using crutches. We did not make it too far. We then joined my dad for an early dinner. I was wiped out from crutching all over town. My dad said the fastest way to the buffet was to cut through the restroom. I needed to wash my hands before eating anyways so that was perfect. As I went into the restroom I noticed that the floor was wet from everyone washing their hand and dripping on the floor to get a towel. This makes for a bad situation on crutches. Smooth wet tile is no good. After washing my hands I was carefully trying to get to the exit when a lady came from the stall area, and about knocked me down as she cut in front of me to wash her hands. I was shocked that she did that. I almost lost my balance and fell. My mom was right behind me and had to react fast so she did not run into me. I stumbled a bit. I was soooooooooooo mad at that women that I wacked her in the leg with my crutch. Nice and hard. I of course acted like I stumbled and could not help it. I said,” Oh, I am so sorry” and kept crutching out towards the exit. The lady started to say,” Oh that’s………..”. You could almost hear the wheels turning her head. You could tell that she was slowly figuring out that I hit her on purpose. What could she say to me? As I was almost out of the restroom I looked back at my mom. She had a big smile on her face with a look that said “good for you”. You have to know me. I don’t do things like that. I just get upset and try to be the better person. That lady was way out of line and needed a lesson. Being a teacher, I was happy to teacher her a lesson in manners and to have respect for people that have a limitation they you do not. I only hope that left a lasting impression……………. on her leg. (Wink, Wink)

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