Friday, May 29, 2009

Speedway Races Are Back!

(Pictures take with phone so they are not the best.)
Short phone video of the sidecars.Click HERE

Only a few miles away there is a facility that hosts speedway races. It’s a very nice facility and it gets a pretty good crowds. It’s the City of Industry Speedway Races. This last Wed. was opening night. Not only that, but they were for sure going to have sidecar racing that night. I love the sidecars. Everyone thinks I am nuts that I want to do that. I could totally be the monkey. There are a lot of women monkeys out there. I might like it or I might hate it. It looks fun and like something I could do. I just need a bike. My best buddy and racing friend Mike said he rode them before. He could ride and I could be on the back. Now all we need is a bike. LOL I like the idea of a 69 year old driver with a broken foot women monkey. Talk about breaking out of the mold.
The races were great and I had a good time. My well wishes go out the one rider that ended up doing a 12 0’clock wheelie hanging on and smashed into the wood wall. You know he is hurting and something is broken. Well wishes to you.
I think the best part of the races are my parents coming out to watch them also. It’s only minutes from their house. The show up with water and peanuts. I show up with seat cushions and ear plugs. It’s a perfect blend. Miles and I end up running into some friends and we end up with a small section of people we know. The dirt is flying, the beer is spilling, and the crazy booby girls are a plenty. It’s so funny to watch some of these women strutting their stuff. Others strutted their lack of stuff or over the hill stuff. One lady had on short shorts, a top with boobs falling out, a beer in one hand and a child dragging behind in the other. She was surprisingly plus size considering all the walking around she was doing in front of the stands.
Over all it was a blast. A motor blew, a guy crashed hard, and others crashed and got up. The exhaust was thick in the air, and the sound of the motors left your ears ringing. Good times on a Wed night.

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