Saturday, October 03, 2009

Scuba Tony

There was a long time Turn2sportbike member named Tony. He was a sheriff in the criminal courts in Downtown LA for many years. He started getting into Scuba diving and he up and changed his life. He sold all this stuff and moved to Cozumel Mexico. Everyone was pretty shocked. He shocked everyone right back by becoming the owner operator of a successful scuba shop. He is completely happy and would not come back for anything. He loves to visit and misses riding the roads here, but he is one happy guy. I did not know Tony when he lived here, but we have been come good friends. I was able to see him when at Mako and Alin’s wedding in Cancun. He is one funny guy, and boy can he dance!
As of late, he is on another adventure. He has a friend that lost his son due to a driver using a cell phone and not paying attention. He has decided to take a motorcycle trip to see if he can’t spread the word to not use a cell phone when driving. Here is his blog and his amazing journey.
I am glad that a group of us were able to get together and have dinner with him as he blew through town. Good food, good friends, and funny stories. It was great. I even got carded when I ordered a drink! I was the only one that got carded. Hahahahahaha Sweet! I don’t look as old as I feel. hahahahahah

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