Tuesday, October 27, 2009

3 things

My friend sent me this email so I thought I would share.

Subject: Fw: Re: 3's about me

Three Names I go by:
1. Lisa
2. Mrs. Hanshaw (Said with little kid voices)
3. The Flea

Three Jobs I have had in my life:

1. Answer phones at a pizza place
2. Disneyland
3. Worked as an aide with Special Ed kids

Three Places I have lived:
1. Hacienda Heights, CA
2. Cape Girardeau, MO
3. Montebello , CA

Three TV Shows I watch:
1. Deadliest Catch
2. Little House on the Prairie
3. MotoGP Races

Three Places I have been:
1. Italy
2. Hawaii
3. Cancun

Three People who e-mail me regularly:

1.Mike Radner
2. Turn2sportbikes group email
3. Bank of America Spam!

Three of my Favorite Foods:

1. Fruit
2. Breads
3. Cheeses

Three Friends I think will respond:

1.My mom
2. ?
3. ?

Three Things I am looking forward to:
1. Getting my speed back on my motorcycle.
2. Winning the lotto and making all my dreams come true.
3. Buying a home in Italy and spending the summers there.

There you go. Have a nice day. :-)

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