Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Last Supermoto race @ Qualcomm

A little wet in the rain.
Talking smack with the boys. Ok, not really, just watching a guy put tire warmers on.
Up at 5:00AM and home at 8:00PM. I could use a nap.

It was a nice weekend. I think I rode about the same as last month with a little more fire under my butt. I was taking it easy in the practice and the heat races (they have more than one heat, I don't know why. This makes for a long day and can wear you out. Two practices, a qual race, two heats, and a main. All being just over a mile a lap. Wanted to save myself for the main.). Then I heard that someone was happy because,"I beat her" in the last heat race. I did not know I had a target on my back, but that just made me want to ride harder. I have to say I never did see that rider in the main so there you go. lol.

There was one funny thing. I was first on the pregrid. The worker told me that we can do 10 laps instead of the 8 laps of the last heat race. I said I did not want to do 10 laps, but I would do whatever the group wanted to do. (saving my energy for the main race) Everyone wanted to do 10 laps. So the man says," Everyone is ok with 10, but Lisa wants 8" I said it's fine and then I said, "Sorry, it must be my estrogen." Everyone laughed and off we went. Darn girls. Who let them race?

Oh and this girl got FIRST PLACE. I'm all for that estrogen. Ha Ha Ha

:-) Ti Amo xoxoxooxoxoxoxoxo

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