Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Road of Life

I have been on a journey of sorts as of late. I have had time to reflect on where I have been and where I want to go. Life leads you down so many paths. When I look back I wonder where time has gone. I am mad at mistakes I have made and I am trying to remember all the things that I have achieved. It’s easy to forget those. I have always thought that everything happens for a reason. Sometimes it for my growth or another person’s growth. I feel that life will never give me anything I can’t handle. Not that it’s going to be easy, just look at the scars on my left foot and you know that to be true. I just know that life is what you make of it. Life is a gift and it should be one that is lived in a state of happiness. Not saying life will always be happy, but your mental outlook on life should be a positive one.

I know on my blog I talk about myself, and state facts about things I have done. I don’t think I have taken the time to look back at them and remember all the hard work it took to get there. So let me share with you something’s that I remember working hard for.

I have run track since I was in 7th grade. I did most sprints, but for some reason picked hurdles. Not many people can deal with hurdles. They are technical, fast, and tiring. I did very well at them. High Jump. Why would I want to jump backwards over a bar, head first off one foot? I don’t know, but I made it to state with that.

I started to do Run, bike, runs becasue running track and cross-country was not enough. Speaking of Cross County, why would a true sprinter want to run 3 miles when the 200M seemed far? Desire and will to conquer something that was hard for me.

I did a triathlon. Im not a good swimmer, so what was I doing? Same thing, to try something I had to work at.

Motorcycle I have loved since I first sat on one. I never see that I am a woman among men. I know I am the only lady there, but when the helmet goes on I want to beet them badly.

So here I sit. I am a high school CIF person. I am a Jr. College State Champ on cross-country and track a few times over. I am a NCAA Div 1 Champ. I am a top mini bike race in my level. I race supermotos and can finish in the top spots. ( so far) I can bake bread and have placed in the fair.

I am a teacher that had learning disabilities growing up, and straggled with school.

It takes hard times to bring you down, but it takes yourself to look at where you have come from and find the light that you have inside. So this blog is for me. For my growth. I had a blog where I vented and now I have a blog where I have recognized my assets.

I want a life……

full of love.

A family of my own

A warm home

A garden

Lots of time with my family

Meet my cousins in the USA and Italy.

I want to wake up knowing that I am someone’s Sunshine and they are mine. Balance. Peace. A best friend. A soul that touches mine.

I want to laugh

I want to laugh at myself

I want to be silly

I want to see the world for it’s beauty

Stop and smell the roses

Sometimes a rough road is good for shaking out the cobwebs.

Thanks for helping me down my road.

Love you very much. Xoxoxooxoxo to my family.



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