Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My new found family.

As you know I have been on the hunt for my family. It seems I have found many family members. It is growing in leaps and bounds. I find myself overwhelmed by the fact that I have actually found family members. What a joy. The best part of all this is not only have I found them through amazing circumstances, but that they are so kind and generous. I am very proud to be part of this family. Everyone is so warm and open. Family has always been important to me. I have always dreamed of having a close family. I feel that my immediate family is like that. We care about each other. We all get along well. It’s nice. Now I find that as my family expands, I still have that warmth and closeness. I just want to hug all of them. I can’t wait to meet everyone. It will take time, but I think it can be done. I am just thankful for computers. I can email family all over the world and even translate it into Italian. I don’t know how I would be able to talk to anyone without the computer.

Here are some wonderful pictures of my family that they have sent me.

As you can see I am not the only crazy Lucchesi out there. Mario also rides a motorcycle and Emmanuele, Alessandro, and Alessio do rally car races. I race motorcycles. Now I know where I get it from.

I hope that not only does this process bring me closer to my family, I hope other family members find people as well.

I love that it says Lucchesi on the car.

Sonia, Gabriel, Emmanuel Lucchesi.

Lori and Aisa Biagi. Sonia, Sandy, Frank.

Lori and Aisa's family.
All the grandchildren. From left to right...
Adam(my sister Sonia's middle child)
Frankie (my brother Frank's oldest - 15)
Sarina (my brother Steve's oldest - 6)
Alyssa (my brother Frank's 2nd - 12)
Rachel (my sister Sonia's oldest)
Lucas (my sister Sonia's newest addition - he'll be 1 in April)
Joe - my one and only - he'll be 23 in April
Sam - the wild child...(by brother Steve's youngest - 2)

Daniele, Gabriel, Marco, Silvia, Morena, Yuri.

pictures of the 90th birthday of my mother's Nanda wife of Onorato son of Alfonso brother of Severina, in a photo there are also 12 grandchildren and 4 great-grandchildren.

5 children, from left standing, Fernando, Morena, Mariano, Alfonso, sitting, Giordano and Nanda.

Poichè lo conoscete sono stati sulla caccia per la mia famiglia. Inoltre ho trovato molti membri di famiglia. Sta sviluppandosi in salti e limiti. Mi trovo enorme dal fatto che realmente ho trovato i membri di famiglia. Ché gioia. La migliore parte del tutto questo è non solo lo ha li ha trovati con le circostanze stupefacenti, ma quello sono così gentili e generosi. Sono molto fiero fa parte di questa famiglia. Tutto è in modo da scaldi ed apra. La famiglia è stata sempre importante me. Ho sognato sempre di avere i parenti prossimi. Ritengo che la mia famiglia immediata sia come quella. Ci preoccupiamo per a vicenda. Tutti otteniamo avanti buoni. È piacevole. Ora trovo che mentre la mia famiglia si espande, ancora ho quei calore e prossimità. Voglio appena abbracciare tutti. Non posso attendere per incontrare tutto. Richiederà tempo, ma penso che possa essere fatto. Sono solo riconoscente per i calcolatori. Posso inviare con la posta elettronica la famiglia dappertutto e perfino tradurrlo in italiano. Non so potrei comunicare con chiunque senza il calcolatore. Qui sono alcune immagini meravigliose della mia famiglia che mi hanno trasmesso. Come potete vedere che non sono l'unico Lucchesi pazzesco fuori là. Mario inoltre guida un motociclo e Emmanuele, Alessandro e Alessio radunano le corse di automobile. I, Lisa, motocicli della corsa. Ora so da dove la ottengo. Spero che non solo fa questo processo che è me più vicino alla mia famiglia, io spero che altri membri di famiglia trovino la gente pure.

Alla mia famiglia italiana che vuole leggere il mio blog in italiano. Se scattate sopra il collegamento lo prenderà ad un Web site che lo aiuterà. Messo nel mio indirizzo del blog nella scatola e nell'esso “del HTTP://„ tradurrà l'intero blog in italiano per voi. Ciò può aiutare. " Translate a web page"



Sunday, March 28, 2010

Nice weather, a ride with friends.

It’s been a long time since my motorcycle club really had a ride that was much to speak of. We used to always ride on the weekends. Then people got busy and slowly it dwindled down to just a few faces. I miss the crazy things people would say and do. I have found that over time, I think sometimes people forget I am a girl. I’m one of the guys. I know this because when pulling over to the orange grove to relieve themselves, they don’t even make it in the trees. The guys just tinkle right there. Yes, I said tinkle. How is it I can make it all the way to the restroom and they can not. Just because you can, does not mean you should. Lol I miss my buddies. The days of missing turns, chasing down people, smack talk, water crossings that are deep enough that no one is going to stay there to help you through it, your on your own and God bless you as you cross. Frost on the road. Somehow getting split up on the freeway minutes after we discussed the rout. That’s the funny stuff. The good stuff is everyone moving as a well oiled machine together. All knowing where their spot is in the line of riders that range from 5 to 15 people. The positive comments when you are on your game that day and riding really well. All the laughing as we stop for lunch. Then we head home. One by one the riders wave goodbye and ride off in their own direction home. Today was a glimpse of the good old days. Everyone was riding well. Everyone was in a good mood. Lots of laughs at lunch and finally the waves goodbye.
Everything went well today. We did have one glitch. My best buddy Mike got a ticket for 71 in a 55. I was just making a pass on a friend when there was the cop. The person I passed and I both thought I was going to get the ticket. Ended up that Mike got it. Sorry buddy. We went slow through that section both coming and going. Too bad, it’s a nice section to ride. The last part was a blast on the way home. Mike and I moved right along. My rhythm was on today. I felt pretty good. I was a little down about not racing this weekend. I wanted to try a supermoto race. A person was going to let me use their bike, but I passed on the offer. Then I saw a video of the practice session on the track. The dirt was short and pretty flat. I could kick myself for not doing it. Most likely the easiest supermoto course that I would do. Darn. Then I was going to race my NSR again, but they wanted way too much for one race.
The weekend was saved with some shopping for some work clothes and a good ride. (Still wish I had done that supermoto race. Soon, you will see, soon. )
I have to admit, my little red horns came up on one part of the ride home. I wanted Mike and I to really gap the other riders. I was not trying really hard, but I was focused. I need to race so I can take it easy on the streets. Lol

Here are the videos of the day.

I tried something new. I had no idea how this would turnout. Too bad the batteries died on the good part

Video #1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8AU6tcONTA

Video #2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPThqZBxOns

Here are two mini clips of me trying to get the camera to work. LOL
#1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIRnpFv9Q1E

#2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bhG0gD1iV_0

If you can't laugh at yourself.......

Here is that practice video of the Supermoto track this weekend.


Have a wonderful day.



Love to my family, my new found family members, and all my dear friends.


Saturday, March 20, 2010

What just happened?

What started as nothing to do this weekend turned into a whole bunch of things. I went to a practice and it turned into a race.

I love my NSR.

Can you say not ready to race? No safety wire..... No numbers...... Had to use tape......... (is that 7z or 72?)


Mike and I wanted to ride Sat. morning up our normal supermoto ride rout. (I had a hard day Friday at work and needed it.) We met up and started up the road. We only made it about 5 minutes total when there was a cop in the center of the road stopping everyone. Mike asked him what the scoop was and he told him that there was an accident and one lane was closed. (Mike saw on the news when he got home, that the road was closed due to a DEAD BODY that was dumped in the middle of a turn! Amazingly sad. What is wrong with people?)

I got an email from a friend that said to come to Adam’s Kart track on Sunday. I really enjoy my NSR (all of the one day I had it out last weekend, lol) and thought why not. I decide to go, nothing like the last minute. Seems that this is a race day at the track. Oh no, I have not raced in 2 years. I only just got my bike and have been out on it one day. Well, let’s see what class I would be in. Mini GP Vet ( 18 years and older, some vet class. lol) Ok, fine sign me up, I am here and will use is as a practice day.
I was not happy with the fact that I was the most under powered bike in the class. I also ran into a mechanic that I know out there and he told me that he has pretty much worked on every bike here and they are ALL cheating. Oh well, it’s a practice.
Problem number two. My track suit was getting repaired from my bad crash. I had to take out the old suit. I could hardly move on the bike in it. I really had to stretch that thing out again.
I did two practice sessions and felt pretty good. Then it was the heat race. I was glad they did a heat race and then a main race for points and not two races for points. I wanted the one race to remember what it’s all about out there. I was gridded 5th. After getting passed and passing back again I ended up in 5th again.
Main race.
I was gridded 5th again and now knew that I had to get in front of this guy on the Aprilia that slammed on the brakes into the first turn last race and caused me brake hard to not hit him and messed me all up. The flag went up but I had a hard time seeing the flag. There was a rider that was blocking my view. I tried to ride as well as I could. I did the best I could. I ended up getting third. One guy was in the race just to ride and was not getting points since he bike was not supposed to be in that class. He just wanted track time.
I felt good out on the track I was really stressed about racing again. I always want to do well so I put pressure on myself. Can’t help it.Once that flag drops……… I get pumped. I had so much on my mind that I did not know if I could pull it together. I felt good and was glad I did it. Lots of time to think about things as I am sitting there in the pit all day...........
I also was the only female racing. Just me. There was a camera crew there for a web site that was interviewing the up and coming super stars of riding (The kids). They asked if I they could interview me since I was the only girl out there. Sure why not.
So there you go.
There was a dead body, a race, and an interview. Who knew all this would happen when I woke up each day?

Here are my races on Video. I learned a lot after the heat race.

Main race: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSEbPeRme94 (Better one to watch. Can't even see the flag to start us. Nutty.)



Sunday, March 14, 2010

Back on the track NSR style

My motto for the week on Facebook..... "A life lived in fear is a life half lived" Zoom Zoom.......

Here I am on the track. (Thanks to John for the pictures)
Getting the hang of it again......

I used to race NSR’s for a few years. After a while it became a little more work than it was fun. The riders that were joining and moving up the ranks were a little reckless. They would elbow people going up a straight section. I saw two guys crash out that were elbowing each other on the straight section. They had a “yard sale” of bike parts, bikes, and riders into the turn. They were in first and second. I was in third. I was forced into the dirt and almost ran into a fence. I ended up in second thank goodness, but that could have been so bad. It did not have to happen. Then I felt pressure from sponsors. The group I was racing in was very tight. Anyone of us could get first through sixth any given day.
I decided to take a year off at that point. Racing once a month for 11 months gets to you. Then I broke my foot and ended up not riding for another year. So that makes a good two years off of a NSR. I sold my old NSR to buy the bike I broke my foot one. I missed my NSR so much had to buy another one.
I took my bike to the track this weekend. I was nervous about being able to shift with my foot so bunched up. My foot and ankle does not move as well as it used to. This would be the big test. I was really hopping it would be ok.
I went out 5 sessions of track time. The first time out I was very slow. I was seeing how I felt and was making sure the bike was ok. The tires are old, but still grip fine. Breaks were ok. Motor sounded good. I felt better after that first run. Second time out I tried to ride better. I was rusty and slow. Third time out I was back up to speed for the most part. After that I was doing ok. I did notice that I am out of shape for riding that bike. My arms, and knees were feeling it. My clutch had was hurting from shifting so much. I forgot how much work it is on that bike. It felt great. On and I was dragging my knee. Awwwwwww the smell of two-stroke and the sound and feel of dragging my knee put me in my happy place. I don’t care for that track, but I still felt better than I have in a while. It’s that moment in time. I was focused, working on getting better, and it was starting to click. I would start to think of other things now and then and would mess up on a turn. Lots on my mind as of late, I was just happy I had a clear head most of the time.
I only had one problem. Mike make me a plate that moves my pegs up and inch and back and inch. I had a hard time shifting. I missed shifts here and there, but it was still good. My foot did a great job. I did notice that I dragged my toe here and there. I think that my foot does not twist like it should. Considering where I was last year at this time. I am supper happy. Love my little bike……. Zoom Zoom

The night I picked it up. Happy Lisa. The next day. 24 hours later. Looks much better.
Now I need my number on it "72". Then add alittle something to it to give it some kind of color.

Scrapped my pegs a bit. Oops.

John Erickson. Out due to shoulder surgery.

Amanda's bike. She used to work for Kawasaki. Can you tell by the color?

Amanda Erickson

Mike getting ready.

A view of 3/4 of the track.

Most people I have ever seen there. Split us up into 4 groups. Only problem is you had to wait an hour before your next session. Took forever, tires got cold, body got lazy......

Lots of supermotos there.

Myself, Mike and Amanda.

I hate to say that I think the three of us were the only stock 50cc's out there. We were out classed, but it was a nice day.

You can see Amanda, and then Mike passes me. I did not know it was a race!! LOL





Let me add an extra link. Here I am waving hello to you at the end of the video. You can tell it was my last session, I was getting sloppy and tired. LOL


Have a wonderful day.



Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Random thoughts on things I don't understand

Things I don’t understand……

1.Two in one shampoo and conditioner. If the shampoo get’s the dirt and oils out of your hair and the conditioner adds oils so your hair is not dried out, how can it be in the same bottle?

2.Why a parent will yell at me when I call home to tell them their student is not doing well in class. Do they think I feel like taking my lunch time to make random calls to pick on my students? I am calling to help the student pass my class. Shame on me.

3.Why is it that someone that drives too slowly to be in the fast lane on the freeway heads to that lane right away? If all the other lanes are passing you, you’re going WAY too slow to be in that lane. (After all the honking, they still don’t get over. Why?)

4.When cars are merging, why can’t people wait their turn? Lane A, then lane B, then lane A, and then B…… repeat as necessary.

5.Why are women’s zippers and buttons on the other side than a man’s? We are not all left handed. If it’s to tell the two apart, then we have a wardrobe issue.

6.Why does it cost more to cut long hair than short? It’s more cutting when you cut short hair.

7.Why do they still make black licorice jellybeans?

8. Why is there an expiration date on blue cheese?

9. Why do women want to talk to you when you’re trying to use the restroom? Ummmmmm I’m resting….. Shhhhhhhhh

Just some random thoughts for the day to make you smile.




Monday, March 08, 2010

A quick ride

I am happy to say that I ended up getting a quick ride on my bike Sunday. My buddy Mike and I were waiting for the rain to stop. It seems that it has been nice all week and rains on Sat and Sun for the past 3 weekends. There was a break in the rain so we thought we could get a short ride in. It’s about 40 miles and is 5 minutes from my house. I live backed up to some very pretty mountains and the only mountain road for about 20 miles.
The ride was just going to be Mike and I. As we were about to put our gear on a friend called and asked if we were going to ride. Then another friend joined in. Off we went. The road was a little dirty and there was minor spots with water. We went slow. It was just nice to get out of the house, and we only got a little rain for half the ride.

Gil, Aalt, Mike, and me.
View from one side then you turn around and ......

This is the view from the other side. This is Glendora Mountain Road (GMR).

Gil pulling in.

Silly me.

Pretty view from my driveway when I pulled in.
Here is a link to us being weird. It's no wonder no one wanted to ride with us. LOL
Have a nice day!

Friday, March 05, 2010

Welcome to Riolo, Italy

When I went to Italy I wanted badly to find the town where both my great grandparents lived. After a mess with the rental car and a tight time frame, I was only able to stay in the town of Riolo about 30 minutes. I was happy to have made it there in the first place. I did wish I could have been there longer. I saw the name Lucchesi here and there. Considering that Severina’s name was Lucchesi and Artiemo’s name was Lucchesi I figured there has to be someone there that is related to me. I never see that name and there is was on mail boxes, and even on a car license plate frame. I had to take a picture. It was so great to see it. I figured that people there did not speak English and I know no Italian. I wanted to knock on a door, but what would I say? I left feeling happy and sad. I wanted more time and to find my family.
As you now know I found my family that has been lost to us for so many years. Then I find out that people still live there in that very town. I about died. I was right there. It gets even better. I was making a family tree and saw some names. Now if I got this correct, I took a picture of a mail box with the names of my family members and did not know it. I have not looked at all the pictures I took for a while. When I found that picture I about fell over. There I was. There they were. Who knew?! Well, the good thing is I know now and I will be back and I would love more than anything to meet everyone.
Here are all the pictures I took on my way to Riolo and back. That was my favorite part of the trip. It was so pretty. I can’t believe anyone would want to leave there. I know it was to find work, but it was so pretty there. It will always be a part of me and dear to my heart.

Welcome to the town of Riolo.....................

There it is upon the hillside.

It's an amazing little place.

"Original Family hone is two doors to the left of the fountain. "

"House on far left is Artiemo's house (my great grandfather). "

San Nicola (St. Nicholas) -Riolo's church. This piazza was the gathering place for children and older generations."

"Atriemo's house in center (beige door, shuttered windows)"

Emmanuele is Mariano's son.

Is this my family's house? è questo mio family' casa di s?
( I just found out that this is my family's home in Riolo. How wonderful that I saw it, took a picture of it, and also remember that house.)
The Lucchesi family home was #8 (to the left of this doorway)but the cousins who took over the house bought #9, removed the interior wall seperating the two homes and combined the two.

Just down the road from Riolo.

Down the road.

Quando sono andato in Italia ho voluto male trovare la città in cui entrambi miei grandi - i nonni hanno vissuto. Dopo che un disordine con l'automobile locativa e un calendario stretto, io poteva soltanto rimanere nella città di Riolo circa 30 minuti. Ero felice di farlo là in primo luogo. Ho desiderato che potrei essere là più lungo. Ho veduto il Lucchesi nome qui e là. La considerazione che il nome del Severina era del nome del Artiemo e di Lucchesi era Lucchesi ho calcolato che ci deve essere qualcuno là che fosse collegato con me. Non vedo mai che quel nome e ci è era sulle scatole della posta e perfino su una struttura della targa di immatricolazione dell'automobile. Ho dovuto prendere un'immagine. Era così grande da vederla. Ho calcolato che la gente là non ha parlato inglese ed io non conosco italiano. Ho voluto battere su un portello, ma che cosa direi? Ho lasciato la sensibilità felice e triste. Ho voluto più tempo e trovare la mia famiglia. Come ora sapere ho trovato la mia famiglia che è stata persa a noi per tanti anni. Allora scopro che la gente ancora vive là in quanto molto città. I circa morto. Ero di destra là. Ottiene ancora migliore. Stavo facendo un albero di famiglia ed ho veduto alcuni nomi. Ora se ottenessi questo corretto, ho preso un'immagine di una cassetta postale con i nomi dei miei membri di famiglia e non la ho conosciuta. Non ho esaminato tutte le immagini che prenderà per un istante. Quando ho trovato quell'immagine I circa per abbattere sopra. Là ero. Là erano. Chi ha saputo?! Bene, la buona cosa è io sa ora ed io sarà indietro ed amerei più di qualche cosa incontrare tutto. Qui sono tutte le immagini che ho preso sul mio senso a Riolo ed indietro. Quella era la mia parte favorita del viaggio. Era così graziosa. Non posso credere che chiunque abbia voluto andare là. So che era di trovare il lavoro, ma era così abbastanza là. Sarà sempre una parte di me e caro al mio cuore.
