Sunday, March 28, 2010

Nice weather, a ride with friends.

It’s been a long time since my motorcycle club really had a ride that was much to speak of. We used to always ride on the weekends. Then people got busy and slowly it dwindled down to just a few faces. I miss the crazy things people would say and do. I have found that over time, I think sometimes people forget I am a girl. I’m one of the guys. I know this because when pulling over to the orange grove to relieve themselves, they don’t even make it in the trees. The guys just tinkle right there. Yes, I said tinkle. How is it I can make it all the way to the restroom and they can not. Just because you can, does not mean you should. Lol I miss my buddies. The days of missing turns, chasing down people, smack talk, water crossings that are deep enough that no one is going to stay there to help you through it, your on your own and God bless you as you cross. Frost on the road. Somehow getting split up on the freeway minutes after we discussed the rout. That’s the funny stuff. The good stuff is everyone moving as a well oiled machine together. All knowing where their spot is in the line of riders that range from 5 to 15 people. The positive comments when you are on your game that day and riding really well. All the laughing as we stop for lunch. Then we head home. One by one the riders wave goodbye and ride off in their own direction home. Today was a glimpse of the good old days. Everyone was riding well. Everyone was in a good mood. Lots of laughs at lunch and finally the waves goodbye.
Everything went well today. We did have one glitch. My best buddy Mike got a ticket for 71 in a 55. I was just making a pass on a friend when there was the cop. The person I passed and I both thought I was going to get the ticket. Ended up that Mike got it. Sorry buddy. We went slow through that section both coming and going. Too bad, it’s a nice section to ride. The last part was a blast on the way home. Mike and I moved right along. My rhythm was on today. I felt pretty good. I was a little down about not racing this weekend. I wanted to try a supermoto race. A person was going to let me use their bike, but I passed on the offer. Then I saw a video of the practice session on the track. The dirt was short and pretty flat. I could kick myself for not doing it. Most likely the easiest supermoto course that I would do. Darn. Then I was going to race my NSR again, but they wanted way too much for one race.
The weekend was saved with some shopping for some work clothes and a good ride. (Still wish I had done that supermoto race. Soon, you will see, soon. )
I have to admit, my little red horns came up on one part of the ride home. I wanted Mike and I to really gap the other riders. I was not trying really hard, but I was focused. I need to race so I can take it easy on the streets. Lol

Here are the videos of the day.

I tried something new. I had no idea how this would turnout. Too bad the batteries died on the good part

Video #1

Video #2

Here are two mini clips of me trying to get the camera to work. LOL


If you can't laugh at yourself.......

Here is that practice video of the Supermoto track this weekend.

Have a wonderful day.



Love to my family, my new found family members, and all my dear friends.


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