Sunday, March 14, 2010

Back on the track NSR style

My motto for the week on Facebook..... "A life lived in fear is a life half lived" Zoom Zoom.......

Here I am on the track. (Thanks to John for the pictures)
Getting the hang of it again......

I used to race NSR’s for a few years. After a while it became a little more work than it was fun. The riders that were joining and moving up the ranks were a little reckless. They would elbow people going up a straight section. I saw two guys crash out that were elbowing each other on the straight section. They had a “yard sale” of bike parts, bikes, and riders into the turn. They were in first and second. I was in third. I was forced into the dirt and almost ran into a fence. I ended up in second thank goodness, but that could have been so bad. It did not have to happen. Then I felt pressure from sponsors. The group I was racing in was very tight. Anyone of us could get first through sixth any given day.
I decided to take a year off at that point. Racing once a month for 11 months gets to you. Then I broke my foot and ended up not riding for another year. So that makes a good two years off of a NSR. I sold my old NSR to buy the bike I broke my foot one. I missed my NSR so much had to buy another one.
I took my bike to the track this weekend. I was nervous about being able to shift with my foot so bunched up. My foot and ankle does not move as well as it used to. This would be the big test. I was really hopping it would be ok.
I went out 5 sessions of track time. The first time out I was very slow. I was seeing how I felt and was making sure the bike was ok. The tires are old, but still grip fine. Breaks were ok. Motor sounded good. I felt better after that first run. Second time out I tried to ride better. I was rusty and slow. Third time out I was back up to speed for the most part. After that I was doing ok. I did notice that I am out of shape for riding that bike. My arms, and knees were feeling it. My clutch had was hurting from shifting so much. I forgot how much work it is on that bike. It felt great. On and I was dragging my knee. Awwwwwww the smell of two-stroke and the sound and feel of dragging my knee put me in my happy place. I don’t care for that track, but I still felt better than I have in a while. It’s that moment in time. I was focused, working on getting better, and it was starting to click. I would start to think of other things now and then and would mess up on a turn. Lots on my mind as of late, I was just happy I had a clear head most of the time.
I only had one problem. Mike make me a plate that moves my pegs up and inch and back and inch. I had a hard time shifting. I missed shifts here and there, but it was still good. My foot did a great job. I did notice that I dragged my toe here and there. I think that my foot does not twist like it should. Considering where I was last year at this time. I am supper happy. Love my little bike……. Zoom Zoom

The night I picked it up. Happy Lisa. The next day. 24 hours later. Looks much better.
Now I need my number on it "72". Then add alittle something to it to give it some kind of color.

Scrapped my pegs a bit. Oops.

John Erickson. Out due to shoulder surgery.

Amanda's bike. She used to work for Kawasaki. Can you tell by the color?

Amanda Erickson

Mike getting ready.

A view of 3/4 of the track.

Most people I have ever seen there. Split us up into 4 groups. Only problem is you had to wait an hour before your next session. Took forever, tires got cold, body got lazy......

Lots of supermotos there.

Myself, Mike and Amanda.

I hate to say that I think the three of us were the only stock 50cc's out there. We were out classed, but it was a nice day.

You can see Amanda, and then Mike passes me. I did not know it was a race!! LOL


Let me add an extra link. Here I am waving hello to you at the end of the video. You can tell it was my last session, I was getting sloppy and tired. LOL

Have a wonderful day.



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