Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Random thoughts on things I don't understand

Things I don’t understand……

1.Two in one shampoo and conditioner. If the shampoo get’s the dirt and oils out of your hair and the conditioner adds oils so your hair is not dried out, how can it be in the same bottle?

2.Why a parent will yell at me when I call home to tell them their student is not doing well in class. Do they think I feel like taking my lunch time to make random calls to pick on my students? I am calling to help the student pass my class. Shame on me.

3.Why is it that someone that drives too slowly to be in the fast lane on the freeway heads to that lane right away? If all the other lanes are passing you, you’re going WAY too slow to be in that lane. (After all the honking, they still don’t get over. Why?)

4.When cars are merging, why can’t people wait their turn? Lane A, then lane B, then lane A, and then B…… repeat as necessary.

5.Why are women’s zippers and buttons on the other side than a man’s? We are not all left handed. If it’s to tell the two apart, then we have a wardrobe issue.

6.Why does it cost more to cut long hair than short? It’s more cutting when you cut short hair.

7.Why do they still make black licorice jellybeans?

8. Why is there an expiration date on blue cheese?

9. Why do women want to talk to you when you’re trying to use the restroom? Ummmmmm I’m resting….. Shhhhhhhhh

Just some random thoughts for the day to make you smile.




1 comment:

Mike R. said...

I always wonder why they put the paper towels in the restrooms up high on the wall so water always runs down your sleeve when you reach for one. And why is it called a REST room ?