Friday, November 27, 2009

Let's Talk Turkey

What I like in my parents house.
My Grandparents Radio.

I love Oak.

My mom was getting something and pulled out this giant calculater. I could not stop laughing.

Too Funny.


Nice view

Making dinner.

My brother taking over the job of cutting the turkey.

My dad.

Oh yeah baby...

So Pretty.

Perfect Day

My Dad's New Toy

I have to say that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I could pass on all the rest, but not Thanksgiving. There are so many things that make this day to special to me. For one thing my family celebrates my birthday on this day. It lands on that day now and then, but it is always celebrated on that day. I remember waking up as a child on that day. I did have a list of “to do’s” that day, but I could not wait. My mom would take a picture of us stuffing the bird in the morning. Then throughout the day you could smell the turkey. It would get stronger and stronger as the day would go on. Everyone would arrive and the house would be a live with the voices of my family. The weather always seems to be nice on Thanksgiving. Then I would hear the famous words,” Time for presents.” I would open my gifts and soon after came the best meal ever. We start with an Antipasto platter. It almost always has Italian cold cuts, cheeses, olives, and artichoke hearts. Yummy. There are also warm rolls. Just after that I would watch my family busy in the kitchen finishing dinner. Then comes the good stuff. The best turkey ever, mashed potatoes, gravy, and some vegetables. Ummmmmmmm. Dessert consists of pumpkin and berry pie. After the pie and coffee I used to love to hang around the table as a kid and listen to the adults talk and laugh. There is just something wonderful about having generations of a family all together. I am sad to say that my family is now very small. All my grandparents are passed and there are no children yet. I know in time that the family will grow again, but for now it’s small, but loving. There is no stronger memory for me than that day. I don’t think my mom can retire from Thanksgiving day dinner for a long time. I will be happy to take over, but until that day comes, yummy yummy yummy.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Today, and Things.... :-)

(Links are up. Click on the "click here" to watch the videos. Enjoy)

Today I went riding with my best buddy Mike. I love that he is always up for a ride some place. He was kind enough to offer to drive with his bike to Glendora to pick me and my bike up for a canyon ride. That saved us lots of freeway miles. We loaded up and off we went. We unloaded at a 7-11 and off we went. We soon found out that it was really, really windy today. Red Flag warning windy. The trees were all over the place. Dirt clouds would blow across the roads, leaves were flying, and there was a branch or two that took up the lane. I hate riding in the wind but found it much better on a supermoto than a sportbike. There was some dirt on the roads also, but not too bad for a supermoto.
It has been over a year since I have been on the roads we went on today. I was happy to be back and having some fun. We had to change our ride plan a bit due to the extreme wind, but still had fun. Here are some videos from today.

This one has a bike in the ditch at 30 seconds into the video. CLICK HERE

Here Mike is being a dork so I joined in. CLICK HERE

Another canyon section. CLICK HERE

After our ride, Mike was in his truck changing out of this boots. I was by the bikes when this car with two guys drive by me and yell, ”A hot woman on a dirt bike… Whooooo Hoooooo.” Then they honked. Mike said it was for me, but I am pretty sure they were talking about him. LOL

I found a race video of mine. I forgot all about this one. It was my come back race after an ugly high side caused by another rider coming in on me and hitting my bars. I was nervous this race. I started in 5th and ended in 3rd. (Hummm if second place is the first looser, what is third?) Watch around 7:20 sec of the video to see what happens.


It was so nice to get into the groove again. I was enjoying the ride today.

A really good day would be,,,,Riding, mexican food, a Margarita, a spa, and taking a nap under a nice warm quilt. Ummm that sounds really nice right now. lol


Went out to dinner with Mike, Miles, his sister Lucy, and her son Quintin. They had to mention that is was my b-day yesterday so I got a hat and some ice cream. Thanks everyone.

Monday, November 16, 2009

NSR50 Video

I have been looking for some old photo CD’s as of late. I thought they may have gone missing from the move, but here they are. I started to look through them and found a video a friend took of me riding the NSR around Willow Springs Kart Track. This was 2005. I think it’s the only video I have that you can see me ride. I was at an open practice session with 125cc bikes and under. You can always tell us stock bike riders when we ride in open practice, hahahahahahahahahaha. It's all good.

I miss that bike badly. I think I have to sell my Aprilia RS50 to get the NSR50. Hate to do it, but my knee is wondering where the ground has been all this time. Time to put my name “kneedragginchick” to work. I just love the feel of a knee down in a turn. What’s better than that??? Not even Gelato. Yep, I said it, not even Gelato. Hmmmmm but I could go for some Gelato right now.

Click here to watch video.

Awww Youtube cut out the music and sound on the video. That was half the fun of it.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Keeping Busy On A Sunday

The only Aprilia there.

Hehehehehehehehe Trouble maker.

I felt like I was riding on the surface of the Moon.
Moon rocks.

I heard that there was going to be a supermoto race out at Grange so I thought I would check it out. I was surprised how few people were there. I thought there would be more racers and people out there to watch. I think that Miles and I were the only ones there to watch the races. I still had a good time, but it was not as much fun as I had hoped. I love to walk the pits and ask questions. I did see one Aprilia. That guys was pretty nice. I also talked to a guy who has his son racing 5 classes that day and they race 3-4 times a week. I don’t know how they can do that since they live in Ventura and drive down to Costa Mesa, City of Industry, and Apple Valley all week long. Pretty crazy.
It was good to watch the races and learn how a supermoto race really goes. I was watching how they start the race and how they did the dirt section. I tried to watch how some of the riders when into the turns to see what people were doing out there. I can say that I have a lot to learn in the supermoto area of riding.
Since I have my little XR 100 that just sits in the garage and looks lonely, why not bring it to the races? The track is set in the middle of a dirt riding area. When we were done watching the races we unloaded my little bike to let me ride around on it. I can say it’s been about 2 years or so since I have been on the dirt. I was only out for about 15 minutes but it was ok. I can’t believe how nervous I feel on a bike where the ground is slippery. It’s not even like the bike is all over the place, it just moves a little. I don’t know what it is. I just need to spend some quality time out on the dirt taking it easy. I just putted around in circles. Nothing much really. Just trying to get my “Sea Legs” you could say. I did goof off a little but I could not help it. LOL

Click here for video of the dirt.

Have a wonderful day.

On a side note. I think it's funny that I have Youth MX boots, elbow and knee pads. I can't fit into the adult ones. Then when looking at my street gear I have different sizes in gear that all kind of fit the same. I have womens Euro 42 leathers that all fit a little different but fit well. I have men's boots and gloves. I have a women's Joe Rocket jacket that is an extra small. My Alpinestars jacket is a 42. You just never know what I will have one. Kids gear, women's gear or men's gear. My thought is that you can never have enough motorcycle stuff. It's allllllllll good.
(It's a shame that 2 out of my 3 sets of leathers are crashed up. Dang. Guess that means I need to go shopping. Lisa's kind of shopping. Oh yeah baby. )

Saturday, November 14, 2009

First time on a SXV

I went to Femmoto in 2006 (Boy, that was a long time ago.) and found out that I could take the new Aprilia SXV supermoto out for a spin. I was so excited. It was the talk of the motorcycle world at that time. I could not believe I was going to be able to ride it. I remember being a little nervous as I started off on to the course. It was a small track with just two riders and an instructor. What could be better than a great bike and a small group out on the track? I had so much fun on that thing. I remember not wanting to come in. I wanted to just stay out there riding. It was great. I loved it. I remember laying in bed that night hearing the sound of the motor. I could not sleep. I was so excited. I wanted one so bad. Then I found out it was not street legal in California. Then it was legal, but I could not afford one. It only took a few years of saving and waiting, but now I have one and love it. I smile just thinking about that bike.

Here is a video of a video. LOL I can’t get my camera to save the video on to my computer so I did the only thing I knew would work. It’s a bad video, but it was the start of it all. You never know, I may start racing and look back to this video and laugh. You just never know……..(I can see my parents roll their eyes right now... no racing Lisa.)

CLICK HERE FOR VIDEO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My dream now it to slide my back tire. Some day...... Some day.........

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Old photos

I was going through some old photos and found some that brought back some memories. Here are a few of them:

Let's start with the VW Bug. This was my mom's car. She and my dad when to Mexico on their honeymoon. It was a very nice trip until.........

My dad was sleeping in the back of the car and my mom was driving on a dark road in the middle of the night. My mom got the urge for a T-bone steak. So she hit a black cow, on the black asphalt, in the pitch black night. The cow flipped over the car, and tore off the luggage rack. All their stuff was all over the road. Without a windshield, in the cold November weather, my dad made do by putting a pair of his underwear on his head to stay warm as they plotted a way to cross the border without getting into some kind of trouble. Long story short, they made it back safely. To top it off, when my dad took the bug to the shop to see if it could be fixed, a man see's the bug and says,"That looks like my old bug that I sold to a nice young lady named Penny." My dad replied," That IS the bug you sold to a nice young lady named Penny." What are the odds of that?Here I am shooting a BB gun for the first time. My grandpa Leo let us shoot at Easter eggs. I missed every time. I was only 8. What the heck was I wearing?

Not sure why I am sharing this picture with everyone. I think it's because I had to wear this for Halloween year after year. My mom loved it. I was almost 5.

There is not a time that I dont thnk of Bass Lake and the canoe. My dad put this thing together and off we went. I think it only when about 5 miles p/hour on flat water. We would get passed by everyone, and I mean everyone. My brother and I would sit in the center of the canoe getting soaked by the waves that rolled by.
One day, a skier thought it would be funny to spray the nice little family in the slow canoe. He made one pass and got us all wet. he came if for another pass and my mom put out the oar head level just as the skier tried it again. He got within inches of his neck being taken off by that oar. No joke. Don't mess with the family in the canoe. We were always the talk on the lake. Everyone would wave (as THEY went by, lol) us. My brother and I did not like the canoe much due to it's lack of speed and the fact we got all wet everytime we were in it. I think that we can look back now and smile about it. I kind of miss it now.

There you go. What can I say? Life is full of wonderful, and crazy things.

Oh and that is me with the green scoop thing and my dad holding the boat. There is a funny long story about that scoop that may need to be discussed on my Blog someday.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Streets on Halloween.

Video of this weekend CLICK HERE

My design, Miles handy carving job.
Supermoto tires like they should be. Ok, not really, but it's a start.

Zoom Zoom

Gill out front I am just behind.

Having some fun.

Pack of trouble.

Good friend and Trackdaz worker Gill. Thanks for everything. I owe you dinner again. :-)

Turn2 rider and friend Jeff lost the front end. One fast fella.

Nice dirt cloud you made out there.

Pondering the dynamics of the white 600's suspension.

Smile pretty. lol

John's new 125. Super fast. I want to ride it!

Street of Willow
I was excited to go to the track until it was the day of the track day. I have had lots going on and lots on my mind as of late. I was not mentally ready to go to the track. As we headed to the track it seems that it was going to be a crisp morning at a nice 32 degrees when we got into town. The wind was low so that helped. There were a small handful of Turn2 members there as well. No one knew the others were coming so it was a nice surprise. It’s always fun to have friends to hang out with in the pits.
I took it slow in the first few sessions not really feeling it out there. As the day went on it warmed up to 80 and it was much nicer. My last session was fun and I felt a little more like myself. There were a lot less people out there that time. All the other sessions, I was just sitting there behind people since I could not pass on the inside. I am glad I went and I did have a good time. I love the track when you get into that groove. Things start to click and you are just moving right along. I am still rusty, but things are getting better. I just need more track time and ride time. Hope the roads open up around here so I can take out my sportbike soon. I am super rust on that. Yikes!
As soon as I walked in the door at home, I had to get cooking in the kitchen. My parents had not been over in so long. I made them dinner; we watch a football game and Miles handed out candy. It was a nice mellow night.