Monday, November 16, 2009

NSR50 Video

I have been looking for some old photo CD’s as of late. I thought they may have gone missing from the move, but here they are. I started to look through them and found a video a friend took of me riding the NSR around Willow Springs Kart Track. This was 2005. I think it’s the only video I have that you can see me ride. I was at an open practice session with 125cc bikes and under. You can always tell us stock bike riders when we ride in open practice, hahahahahahahahahaha. It's all good.

I miss that bike badly. I think I have to sell my Aprilia RS50 to get the NSR50. Hate to do it, but my knee is wondering where the ground has been all this time. Time to put my name “kneedragginchick” to work. I just love the feel of a knee down in a turn. What’s better than that??? Not even Gelato. Yep, I said it, not even Gelato. Hmmmmm but I could go for some Gelato right now.

Click here to watch video.

Awww Youtube cut out the music and sound on the video. That was half the fun of it.

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