Saturday, November 07, 2009

Old photos

I was going through some old photos and found some that brought back some memories. Here are a few of them:

Let's start with the VW Bug. This was my mom's car. She and my dad when to Mexico on their honeymoon. It was a very nice trip until.........

My dad was sleeping in the back of the car and my mom was driving on a dark road in the middle of the night. My mom got the urge for a T-bone steak. So she hit a black cow, on the black asphalt, in the pitch black night. The cow flipped over the car, and tore off the luggage rack. All their stuff was all over the road. Without a windshield, in the cold November weather, my dad made do by putting a pair of his underwear on his head to stay warm as they plotted a way to cross the border without getting into some kind of trouble. Long story short, they made it back safely. To top it off, when my dad took the bug to the shop to see if it could be fixed, a man see's the bug and says,"That looks like my old bug that I sold to a nice young lady named Penny." My dad replied," That IS the bug you sold to a nice young lady named Penny." What are the odds of that?Here I am shooting a BB gun for the first time. My grandpa Leo let us shoot at Easter eggs. I missed every time. I was only 8. What the heck was I wearing?

Not sure why I am sharing this picture with everyone. I think it's because I had to wear this for Halloween year after year. My mom loved it. I was almost 5.

There is not a time that I dont thnk of Bass Lake and the canoe. My dad put this thing together and off we went. I think it only when about 5 miles p/hour on flat water. We would get passed by everyone, and I mean everyone. My brother and I would sit in the center of the canoe getting soaked by the waves that rolled by.
One day, a skier thought it would be funny to spray the nice little family in the slow canoe. He made one pass and got us all wet. he came if for another pass and my mom put out the oar head level just as the skier tried it again. He got within inches of his neck being taken off by that oar. No joke. Don't mess with the family in the canoe. We were always the talk on the lake. Everyone would wave (as THEY went by, lol) us. My brother and I did not like the canoe much due to it's lack of speed and the fact we got all wet everytime we were in it. I think that we can look back now and smile about it. I kind of miss it now.

There you go. What can I say? Life is full of wonderful, and crazy things.

Oh and that is me with the green scoop thing and my dad holding the boat. There is a funny long story about that scoop that may need to be discussed on my Blog someday.

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