Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Today, and Things.... :-)

(Links are up. Click on the "click here" to watch the videos. Enjoy)

Today I went riding with my best buddy Mike. I love that he is always up for a ride some place. He was kind enough to offer to drive with his bike to Glendora to pick me and my bike up for a canyon ride. That saved us lots of freeway miles. We loaded up and off we went. We unloaded at a 7-11 and off we went. We soon found out that it was really, really windy today. Red Flag warning windy. The trees were all over the place. Dirt clouds would blow across the roads, leaves were flying, and there was a branch or two that took up the lane. I hate riding in the wind but found it much better on a supermoto than a sportbike. There was some dirt on the roads also, but not too bad for a supermoto.
It has been over a year since I have been on the roads we went on today. I was happy to be back and having some fun. We had to change our ride plan a bit due to the extreme wind, but still had fun. Here are some videos from today.

This one has a bike in the ditch at 30 seconds into the video. CLICK HERE

Here Mike is being a dork so I joined in. CLICK HERE

Another canyon section. CLICK HERE

After our ride, Mike was in his truck changing out of this boots. I was by the bikes when this car with two guys drive by me and yell, ”A hot woman on a dirt bike… Whooooo Hoooooo.” Then they honked. Mike said it was for me, but I am pretty sure they were talking about him. LOL

I found a race video of mine. I forgot all about this one. It was my come back race after an ugly high side caused by another rider coming in on me and hitting my bars. I was nervous this race. I started in 5th and ended in 3rd. (Hummm if second place is the first looser, what is third?) Watch around 7:20 sec of the video to see what happens.


It was so nice to get into the groove again. I was enjoying the ride today.

A really good day would be,,,,Riding, mexican food, a Margarita, a spa, and taking a nap under a nice warm quilt. Ummm that sounds really nice right now. lol


Went out to dinner with Mike, Miles, his sister Lucy, and her son Quintin. They had to mention that is was my b-day yesterday so I got a hat and some ice cream. Thanks everyone.

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