Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy 70th Birthday Mike!!!!!

Silly Mike

Mike checking out my new 125.

Lisa and Mike. My race buddy!

Look at him go!

"Hey Lisa, hurry up and get out here. I want to play!"

Fastest man on two wheels.

When I met Mike Radner I never knew he would turn out to be my best friend. I met him through my motorcycle club www.turn2sportbikes about 9 years ago. He was a loyal rider that was living in Lancaster and would drive or ride into La Verne for a weekly club meeting. That’s a good 1 ½ - 2 hour drive. The club meetings then switched to one a month, but you would always see him at a meeting. I can’t recall a meeting without him. I was still a new rider at the time we met. This leads me to my problem. I never really “rode” with him since he was always way in the front and I was way in the back. Over the years, the gap has gotten smaller but I still can't get close to him. He rides like the wind. Over time, he and I would hang out a little more here and there. I started to race small displacement bikes and Mike would talk about how he used to race with that same organization. He even came out to watch me race. Then I made the mistake of letting him ride my NSR50. He was hooked. That was the start of a beautiful relationship between he and I. He started racing, I was racing. We did practice days together as well. We talked about racing and bikes. We soon found that we both loved the sport . Then I told him about this great supermoto that I got to ride at Femmoto. I was beaming from ear to ear. He ended up getting one and is now hooked. He and I are always on the same page. Mike would come to my races in below freezing weather when all others would not want to come. He even stayed my friend when my bikes front tire was clipped by another bike and it high sided me off and the bike ran right into Mike as he was taking pictures. Mike has always offered to be my riding buddy. He has always been there for me when I needed a race partner. He has always been there for me when I have been up and down. He is a friend like no other. I can’t find the words to express how lucky I feel to have a true friend like Mike. He is someone that has a big heart and a wise mind. His generosity and his take on things keeps me grounded. I think there are few people in life that have a trusting friendship like Mike and I do. We never get mad at each other. We never get tired of one another. We are always happy to talk to each other. We have gone so much as to talk every day for months at a time. Thank you Mike for all you have done for me. Thank you for always being there. I hope that I can be a friend to you like you have to me. You mean the world to me. I love you.
Happy 70th birthday!!!!!!! 2/16/2010

Your friend for all time.

1 comment:

Mike R. said...

Thank you Lisa. I am honored to rate a whole blog about our friendship & my 70th birthday! "BFF" as they say.