Monday, February 15, 2010

A naked man, a track day, and friends

I heard there was going to be a free track day for women yesterday so I decided to sign up for it. I was going to take my sportbike out to the track. I have not been on a sportbike in so long. I was really nervous. I figured it was a good time to see how I feel out there since it was free. The long drive to Buttonwillow racetrack was interesting. When driving up to the track the fog started to settle in. You could hardly see in front of you. Then it would clear up a little bit and then return to think fog. This was not good since it was right around where the track was. There was a open spot in the fog to where you could see about 100 yards.

This is when we happened to see an SUV on the other side of the road parked. Then we see a naked man step out of the car, walk to the back of his car to take a look at something and then return back to the driver’s seat and get back in the car. He had on nothing. No shoes, socks, underwear, not a thing. There was silence in the car as we watched this all unfold. Don’t ask, I don’t know. Just one of those things I guess.

Next was a pointless riders meeting where the guy talked about everything else but the “how to’s”. People had to ask about passing rules and about how to enter and exit the track. That should be the first things covered. He did talk about his friend that just died at the track in some length and about the guys family. That brought the mood down and got us all thinking about getting killed on the track. Then the guy that goes over the flags hold up the red flag (means a bad crash and someone needs help right away) and tells the slowest group that they will be seeing that flag a lot. On top of being nervous I was not stressed about crashing and hurting myself again or worse. The track was cold, my tires were cold and there were patches all over the track that I did not know if they were sticky or slick. I was a mess. I could not get my mind on my riding. There were also guys that should be in the group higher than me, but were zipping by. Some bonehead moves were made and some tight passes. I chalked it up to a day of getting used to my bike. I also pitted with a bunch of friends. I enjoyed spending time with them. I also like seeing 35 women at the track. I never see more that 4-5 women at a track day. Some were so fast, I looked like I was standing still. It’s cool to see a woman tear it up out there.
I must say that I did not feel good about the way things were run out there. The flaggers were so far apart that I hopped that I did not crash in one section because no one would know. Also, they over filled the groups. 3 groups with 150 people. That’s 50 people a group. Most of the time it’s 30. Then when my friends bike died, no one came out to get her. She had to walk it in. They also started my session while why were still picking up a rider and bike from a red flag. When they started that session I was one of the first to go out on the track. In that one lap I saw a yellow flag, a waving yellow, then a yellow again, a green, and then a yellow. What is it????? What that means is, ride fast use caution, ride fast but don’t pass, ride fast use caution, track is clear, ride fast use caution. (the waving yellow was not even near the crash. )The flaggers should be on the same page. Oh and they said don’t slow down if you see a red flag. Ummmmmm There could be a person on the track with bike parts all over the place on a red flag. Don’t slow down???? I am glad I did not break my foot with those guys. After that the guy towing the bike off the track was right next to the track when he did not have to be and made a dust cloud for everyone as we were setting up for a turn. I don’t plan to ride with them ever again. My safety comes first.

Ready for the track. Lisa รจ pronto per la pista
This is not like my supermoto!
Could I be any slower? Not my best day.
Just 2 pits over from my group was a lady that I had met at my club Christmas party. A friends brought her as a date. She is now dating someone else. That new someone just munched her bike. Wonder if they will stay together still? LOL
Oh and this was on the ride home.

There was also some nutty driver that cut us off so badly we almost crashed. Then he flipped us off. Not sure if that guy was playing with a full deck.

Video of the day. ( not my best riding thats for sure, but I still went out to get the dust off me.)

Did you know that you can click on the box that has four arrows pointing in the corners just below the video your watching on Youtube and make the video full screen? Learn something new every day don't you. LOL Give it a try.

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