Saturday, February 20, 2010

More Lucchesi found in the USA

Hi Lisa,

My name is Mario Lucchesi I am Elesio's son. He is 83 years old and has been living with me since last August. He received the letter you sent him and mentioned to me that he received a letter from a Lisa Lucchesi who had found letters of her great grandparents. I have been busy this week(leaving for a wedding cruise on Sunday) and didn't pay much attention to what he was telling me (sorry). Tonight I had some time to kill so I was playing on the internet and I did a Google search on my daughter whose name is also Lisa. That's how I came across the picture of my dad that you posted. I called him over and he said "How did you get that picture? That is the picture that the woman from California sent me." So I asked him to get the letter so I could read it.

Anyway Severina was my dad's fathers sister. I will give you a quick rundown of what I know of the Lucchesi family:

Alfonso Lucchesi (dads father)

Leonilda Silvestri (dads mom)

Dads Siblings and children:

Bruna Lucchesi (deceased)

Franca Ferrari

Nelda Lucchesi (deceased)

Loretta Biagi

Lori Biagi

Emilia Lucchesi (Living Italy)

Armandina Fini

Armando Fini

Alfonsina Fini

Nadia Fini

Piera Fini

Alvaro Fini

Onorato Lucchesi (deceased)

Fernando Lucchesi

Mariano Lucchesi

Alfonso Lucchesi

Giordano Lucchesi

Morena Lucchesi

Irio Lucchesi (living in Bourbonnais Illinois)

Wilma Lucchesi

Mery Lucchesi (deceased)

Giuliano Pellegrini

Alessandro Pellegrini

Elesio Lucchesi (dad)

Mario Lucchesi

Lisa Lucchesi

If you have any questions please e-mail me and I will try to answer whatever you would like to know.


Just got this email today from the other IL family member I have been looking for.

Hi Lisa,

My name is Wilma Lucchesi Witt and I am Irio Lucchesi’s daughter. My dad is a son of Alfonso Lucchesi, who was your great-grandmother’s (Severina’s) brother. Your letter to my dad was a wonderful surprise as he’s always been curious to know the whereabouts of Severina’s family. I remember my mom (Tosca Prosperi Lucchesi) and dad corresponding with your great-grandmother and, as a young child, I always used to suggest going to visit her … who didn’t want to go to California?!!! But, unfortunately, that never happened! My dad is still alive and, thankfully, enjoying good health. He celebrated his 90th birthday this past Sept. His English is mediocre so I am replying for him.

I don’t know how old you are but I’m figuring you may be the age of my children (mid to late 30’s) and I think it’s so wonderful that you’re interested in finding family members. I don’t know if anyone has given you a list of Alfonso’s offspring but this is the order of their birth:
Bruna (deceased) -- 1 daughter (Italy)
Nelda (deceased) -- 1 son, 1 daughter (IL)
Emilia (living) -- 7 children (Italy, France, Switzerland, and Australia)
Onorato (deceased) -- 5 children (Italy)
Irio (living) -- just me!!
Mery (deceased) -- 2 sons (Italy)
Elesio (living) -- 1 son (IL)

I would have answered you sooner but your letter was just received today as it had to be forwarded from Illinois to Arizona. The IL address you have is correct but we’re snowbirds and have been spending the winter months in Arizona for the past 5 years. My mom passed away 26 years ago so my dad lives with my husband and me and loves the time we spend in Sunny AZ!!

I am so pleased to know you and, along with my dad, would love to learn more about you and your family. If there are any questions that I can answer for you, let me know and I will do my best. My e-mail address is:



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