Friday, February 12, 2010

Turning into wonderful

This is Elesio Lucchesi.
This picture is from my great grandmothers box of pictures. I just wrote him a letter and will see wat happens. I am also sending a copy of the picture.

Finding my family members just gets better and better. The family member that sent me the letter told me about two relatives living in the USA. The person that sent the email gave me their addresses!!! I sent the email family member a link to some pictures I have scanned and posted and he is in them. Once again I am shocked. This is all too wonderful. I hope there is more to come. I plan on printing out some family pictures and mailing them to my other relative. This should is great.

Here is the email I just got.

Hello Lisa, I received your email and I have been delighted that you sent the photos I wanted to show my mom, 92 years, but in this moment is not healthy, but as soon as possible I'll show. I recognized the first two photos LUCCA 1958 issue of me and my brothers Alfonso and Fernando Morena CARLOTTA was another aunt of Alfonso and Severina. We also send addresses Irio, Elesio Lucchesi residing in USA and son of Alfonso for a possible contact. Lital are available when you want to visit to accompany a visit to the country and the house where your grandmother

Irio lucchesi
3 Ravinia place
Bourbonnais il

Elesio lucchesi
39 so.greenview ave
mundelein il

greets your cousin Fernando



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