Thursday, February 18, 2010

When it rains it pours

Don't you just love that I share everything about myself on here?? LOL

Have you ever had one of those times where you wonder what is going on? It all started this weekend. I felt weird about going to the track. Since I don’t get much track time, the fact I miss being on the track, and that cost is a problem, I thought getting a free track day would be good. That whole morning I was off. I felt like I was forgetting something. I never could get my mind into it. I kept thinking about cold tires and slick patchwork on the track. I was just bothered inside all day. So that did not turn out so well. As soon as I got home it turned into consoling a family member and then falling asleep. The next day was not much better. Wanting to get some stuff done, but not being able to do it.
Then came work. Once again everything that could go wrong was. Even the kids were in rare form and making things difficult.
To top that off I woke up with a broken blood vessel in my eye that I don’t know how I got. Now I have a blood spot in my eye that my students have been asking me about all day. How did this happen? I went to sleep and then woke up like that. Never had that happen.

Then I was moving a weight rack that is on wheels that I need to move to start class. It is hard to roll down a ramp without it going out of control. It got caught up and took a chuck out of my bad foots ankle. That hurt like heck and had me limping for some time.

This is to name a few of my trials in the last few days. I don’t know what’s going on. Maybe I should check my horoscope? At this point it may be worth it. Lol

Gosh, even the supermoto ride that I planned weeks ago is getting rained out this weekend

Good thing my once a year formal evaluation that sticks with my record forever is tomorrow. Nothing like last minute notice. I’m sure that will go off without a hitch. HA! Only if my luck changes.

So I checked my horoscope just now and this is what it's telling me.

Daily Overview for February 18, 2010 (Today)« » Sagittarius 11/22 – 12/21
It's time to pursue your dream; take the first step down that long path today.

Can't believe it says that. Ummm yeah..................... lol


1 comment:

Mike R. said...

It's time to pursue your dream. You better get busy! Your not getting any younger. Oh wait that's me.