Tuesday, January 05, 2010

Billy Mills

As most of you know I am a runner. I can’t really run anymore, but I will always consider myself a runner. I ran track from 7th grade all through college. This post is not about me. It’s about a person that inspired me. I have always felt that it’s up to the individual to find their inspiration. Their motivation for succeeding in the things they love to do. I was always a sprinter. I could never run any real distance. Why I joined the cross country team is beyond me. I soon realized that it takes not only physical ability, but mental strength to finish a race that takes so much out of you. Telling yourself not to give up. Fight for it to the end. This is where Billy Mills comes in.
There is a movie called Running Brave. It’s a movie about Billy Mills life. It was a life full off hardships, losses, discrimination, and frustration. This man fought all that to fulfill his dream. Here is a clip of a race he ran. Watch the runners. Watch him. Listen to the announcers. Share with me my running hero. I had the great honor of meeting him at a race one day. He was kind, gentle, and humble. He is a true example of an athlete and what sports can mean to so many people.


Have a wonderful day. xoxoxoxoxox

1 comment:

Miles said...

Hmmm I have never seen this. That WAS impressive. The guy took off like he just STARTED the race!