Monday, January 25, 2010

The Teacher

The last few weeks we I have been teaching tumbling skills. We got rained out all week last week so I decided to review and give our skills test today. Here is a glimpse into my day.
The 6th grades just love this unit. Everyone likes it, but the 6th graders can’t wait to tumble each day. They were sad it was over today.

I can’t believe I am sharing what I do in the classroom. Since no one I know ever gets to see me teach, I have come to feel that it’s “my thing”. It’s something I do alone. It’s funny to think that all my loved ones never get to see me in teacher mode. It’s this giant part of me that I do every day that no one sees.
Then again, I am just glad that I got my parents out to Femmoto the last few years to see me ride. I love riding so much and they had not seen me do something I think I do pretty well. I am so glad they got to see that. Now everyone can see me teach a little. Now I am getting embarrassed about anyone watching me teach. Oh well. Enjoy the video. Lol

Here is a video of me teaching today.

1 comment:

Mike R. said...

Gosh Darn now i've really seenyou in action!