Thursday, January 14, 2010

Jury Duty

I was called in today for jury duty. Since I no longer live in Montebello I was able to switch my court house. Thank goodness for that. I have been serving in the down town LA criminal court house. I have been called to serve two times and have been on a jury two times. The first one was a drug charge, the other was 4 defendants up for assault with a deadly weapon and attempted murder. All but one was found guilty.
I figured West Covina court house would be easy compared to all that. So far so good. They even had computers for people to use in the jury room. It’s one story tall and small. I love it. The problem is they have a lot of cases and it’s all backed up. They are still picking jury members so I have to go back again tomorrow. I don’t know if I will serve, but I always do and have a feeling that I will. There were not too many of us for that case and when they eliminate people, I can get called up. There is one problem. Since the judge has so many cases we will start late and end early. That means the case is thought out to be 3 weeks long with days here and there off. Strange. I hope I don’t get on it.
There is one thing about jury duty that tends to bother me. Everyone trying to get out of it. We all don’t want to do it. I hated today. It was long and I just sat inside on a pretty day like this. I know some people have good reasons to not serve. They have kids, or they own a business. I get 10 days to serve. I should serve. I don’t like missing work, but I do what I need to do. I just keep one thing in mind. If I ever needed to present my case to a jury, I would want people that cared enough to really listen and make a good judgment. I enjoy the freedoms of this country, and respect how it all works. They need me then they need me. I hope they don’t, but I can only wait and see.
I am happy to say that I am freeeeeeee of my service. I was not picked. Amazing! It was a drinking and driving case. I can't believe some of the people they kept. Ugh, really?


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