Friday, January 15, 2010

Why I like supermoto.

Every bike has a purpose, but not every bike has a demon trying to get out.

Take a crusier. It’s big, heavy, and slow. Made to take your time and roll along.

Next the sportbike. It’s made to go fast straight and in turns.

Take that same sportbike design with a lightweight motor that needs oil and gas mixed together. You will have a nimble light weight bike that is a two-stroke. The demon now has a grip on you. This bike is made to do one thing. Go fast all the time. You have to give it gas through the turn or it will start to sputter and stall. All gas all the time. If you can learn to tame the beast, you will have a ride you will not soon forget. You will also be hopelessly addicted to it.

Then you have a supermoto. Full evil. Mostly dirt bike inspired, with street surfaces as well. I had the great pleasure if riding one a few years ago. As soon as I gave it gas I knew this was an amazing machine. I had to have one. Year after year passed before I could finally afford to get one. It has haunted me ever since I first twist of the throttle. To make it that much worse the first time out on the bike, the instructor was a professional racer. All I could do was watch from behind and see what he was doing. I wanted to ride like he was so bad. I was drawn to him. I wanted to be right there. What is he doing? How is he doing that? I need to do that! One day I hope to be able to ride the bike like it was made to be ridden. It all started that first day. I could not sleep that night with the thoughts of that moment in my head. The feelings, sounds, and everything about that moment has stuck with me all this time. I am happy to say that I now have my bike. I am finally headed down the path that I wanted to so long ago. Everything is starting to come together even if it is slowly moving along. I am healing, I am going faster, and I am looking forward to what is to come.

Supermoto: Controlling the animal inside. The rider or the bike, you decide.

Some people have a passion for riding. Not too many people have that passion. It’s something inside. Some love to ride, but they don’t get the chills when a bike starts. They don’t pause and take a deep breath when they smell two-stroke in the air. Here is to the ones that get it. They get life and what it’s all about.
Here is what I hope to do one day. Practice makes perfect. I need to feed my soul with the ones I love and the things I love.

One more link for fun.
Ok, last one.

I love supermoto, but boy am I bad in the dirt. Looks like something I would do. lol
Been there, wrecked that.

Indoor kart track. I have always thought about doing that with my NSR50 race bike, but not supermoto. I think they are onto something here. Slick floors may be a problem, and really tight turns for someone like me who can't slide the back in.

This is sliding the back in. Looks great, sounds great, is great.

Huh... Yeah...see what I am talking about. Goooooooood stuff.

There you go. Supermoto is a race with dirt sections, and track sections. (Take out the dirt and I could have a fighting chance) lol



Miles said...

Cool Video of Christian Iddon honey. We'll get you to that point. Takes lots of practice. Got to get you on a smaller machine that you feel comfortable on to move around like that. Similar to how the NSR50 felt good or the RS125 vs a full Streetbike, we need to get you on a Mini Supermoto like a CRF150R based machine to practice.

Mike R. said...

We need to go to the dry lake bed or a dirt place thats smooth & flat with your Honda 100 dirt bike. Perfect bike to learn how to slide on & I know an old dirt tracker that can teach you. Then it will come to you on a motard!