Thursday, January 28, 2010

Random thoughts

I never have an idle mind. I find myself always jumping from one thought to another nonstop. The thoughts may be connected or totally random. I am sure this restless mind was part of my struggle in school.
Driving seems to amplify this wonderful quality. Traffic or a long open road gets me thinking. If I am the passenger, look out, I will talk about who knows what and lots of it.
Many times this random thought turns into to a blog post. Today’s traffic courtesy of Los Angeles drivers brings you this quick random thought about nothing.

Things I like but don’t have very often or almost never.

1. Jello (it’s good, why don’t I make this stuff?)
2. Pudding ( same as above)
3. Toast
4. Fun Dip candy (That’s a blast from the past)
5. Lemonade
6. See’s candy (for the most part, can’t eat too much chocolate)
7. Fresh cherries (Why don’t I buy them?)
8. Watermelon. ( I end up having to eat a whole one myself and it goes to waste so I don’t buy it like I want)
9. Raisin bread
10. A doughnut with coconut on it
11. Chips and salsa at home (once I start, I can’t stop)
12. String cheese

I am sure there are more things, but that’s what’s on my mind right now. Now onto some other thoughts like motorcycles, racing, making cookies, and work I need to do on a quilt.



1 comment:

Mike R. said...

I have a problem with Jello. I can't eat anything that is more nervous then me !