Saturday, January 30, 2010

That's why they call it Sand Canyon

The gang.
Mike and I

Mike and I

Radner Speed

Not a fan of water on the road.

Sand is not my friend.

Since there was talk about people in the SoCal area wanting to ride their supermotos together sometime, I thought I would organize a ride. It’s not for another 2 weeks, but some riders wanted to check out the ride rout today. So Mike and I met the rest of the group and off we went. I was glad that we were told the road was dirty and there was water flowing across the road at a water crossing. I hate water crossings. I have been through a few that had made me say a prayer before crossing on my sportbike. I was glad to see that the road was only bad in some places and that the water was not too deep. I must say that on the way back home the sad on the roads was stressing me out. I could feel the bike slip here and there. Not a feeling I like.
On the first half of the ride Mike was moving along at Radner pace in a higher speed area. I noticed smoke coming out of his motor and I could smell oil. I was going as fast as my bike would go to catch him and tell him what was going on. I was honking, waving, pointing; I even had my blinker on. Anything to get him to pull over. I just did not have enough speed, I was topped out. Two other guys go pass me and they try to get him to pull over. They finally get him to stop and he said he knows and they all take off. He thought they were telling him is coolant was dripping. Nope, He dun found Errrrlllll. (That’s “he struck oil” for the ones that did not get my joke.) We pull in to the restaurant a few miles from this whole debacle and I tell him it’s oil. His bike was covered. It was a mess. He ended up getting a ride home. That left me without my riding buddy. I turned to another rider that was very nice and was my speed if not faster and asked if he could be my buddy. Told him where my cell phone was in case I crashed. I always like to cover my bases. He was more than happy to help out and in turn told me where his phone was as well.
End of the day we had sand all over Sand Canyon/Little T. We had to cross water. Mikes bike died, and a rider lost his license plate.
One of the rides you come home from, and say,” I love my couch”. Sandy road. (water crossing at 3:20)
Here is a video some else took.
A guy who went on the ride with us Sun when today, Sat, for another ride. He got some guy on his "just left the dealer" new bike and high sided it on video. That man must be kicking himself. Can you belive he just picked that thing up and it's trashed now. Poor bike. Here is the video.

New video that I found of our ride by another rider. ( you can see me in this one. Watch at 9:20 what some clown does.)
And this one. Again you can see me in this one.



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