Monday, January 04, 2010

If you knew me be before I learned how to add videos to youtube, you would know I never looked at that site. Now that I have my own growing account on that site, I have fast become a fan of the cool, nutty, and amazing things that are posted on there. You can listen to music, watch your favorite childhood tv shows and so much more. Think of anything, and it's sure to be there.

Random Youtube fun

Lets start with this hum dinger that my buddy Mike sent me. I would love to have been in this airport when this magical Christmas moment happened. Starts off a little slow but dont give up on it. lol

How about an old TV classic Hogan's Heroes clip.

I showed this to my mom. She really liked this one of a motorcycle rider falling off his bike in a race.

Lets try a song I like to sing.

Now let me share with you a song that I always sing. I sing it in the shower all the time. I sing it when I feel like the song. Sometimes when I am cooking in the kitchen. The words are powerful.

For my grand finally I will end with one of the most amazing videos I have ever seen. I am a great fan of all things athletic. When I see someone perform a skill the way only few can, I get lost for words. One day I hope to ride well enough to find myself in the upper level of rider ability. Until then you will just have to settle for this amazing video. Truly wonderful.

Enjoy your day and remember, life is what you make of it.

To add a little food for thought. A famous quote for someone I can't remember. :-)

" My wife got out on the wrong side of the bed, jumped on her menstrual cycle, and ran me over."

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