Friday, January 22, 2010

Weather or Not :-)

I have been asked...... yes, I took these pictures. :-)

Did you know I always check the weather? Yeppers, I do. I work outside and want to know what I will be dealing with. Half the time my day starts off cold then I end up hot. I think it really started when I lived in Missouri. I quickly learned that they don’t have sprinklers out there because it rains so much. I also learned that being from LA did not prepare me for the winters out there. I had on a sweatshirt and a light jacket when the track team got stuck in a blizzard on our way to a meet. I was of course freezing and I got weird looks and was asked why I did not have a coat on. I said I did not have one. I was able to apply for the needy student fund and got $200.00 for get winter clothes. Thank goodness since I did not have any money to get a nice jacket.

I love that my car can tell me what the weather is outside. This leads me to Yahoo weather or I check them every morning. I also check throughout the day.

Here are the places that I check all the time. Just places I like and enjoy seeing what the weather is like there. Pretty amazing how different it can be.

Florence, Italy
Rome, Italy
Sonoma, CA
Glendora, CA
Santa Fe Springs, CA
Cape Girardeau, MO
Bass Lake, CA

I figured that since it has rained every day this week, the weather may be on your mind as well.
I love being home at night when it’s raining. Spending a nice night with a pot of soup or something really warm and filling is so nice. I also like a nice fire burning bright and crackling. I love how clean everything looks after it rains. I love the smell of the rain when it first starts. I like the feeling of being in my car with the water beating down on my car and I and warm and dry inside it. It makes me laugh when you have to make a mad dash from the car to a building. I love how the hillsides all turn green after the rain. I used to love driving to Mt SAC for school and going by the hills. They turn such a pretty color of green. Then to see some cows grazing in the grass. Not too many things are prettier than that. Oh and then to see the snow capped mountains as you go to work and back. Awwww wonderful.
I will leave you with that thought. Have a wonderful and dry weekend. Xoxoxo


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