Sunday, January 17, 2010

Quilts, B-days, and Riding this weekend

It was that time again for the second largest quilt show in the nation. I am lucky that it is right in Ontario next to the airport at the Ontario convention center. People travel from all over to come to the show. Wonder if they get to munch on the In-N-Out burger that is one block over. It is a SoCal tradition (well, it’s spreading, but still a SoCal thing). Here are some pictures of the quilts. My camera battery was almost dead so I took what I could to give a feel of what the show has to offer.
After that it was off to celebrate my parents birthdays. My mom’s is on the 9th and my dad’s is on the 17th. My brother came up with the plans and off we went. We started off at the Norton Simon Museum. He was the only one that had been there before. It was very impressive. I always see it in the Rose Parade in the background. It has an amazing amount of artwork from very famous artist. I was surprised. Next came walking around Pasadena. After covering most of the popular areas of Pasadena we were on the hurt for dinner. It led us to Burger Continental. It’s a mix of so many kinds of food I would not know where to start. I think everyone had a good time. I hope my parents enjoyed a day out and about.
Today was a quick ride up GMR. I knew I had to get a ride in since it’s going to rain all week and the roads we ride on should be a mess for a few weeks after that. No riding for me for about a month I am guessing. It was nice to keep a slower pace today. We were all worried that there may be dirt on the roads. There always is on that ride. One of my friends has an HD camera and filmed us for a little bit.

Yes, that's a quilt. Amazing.

Now for the birthdays!!!

Here you can see my brother wonding if he could take her out to dinner.

Makes me want to have a burrito.

Standing next to this figure gives me a good self image.

My self image is shot with this one. Easy on the Slimfast!!

My Mom and Dad.

So this priest walks into a bar........


OMG how can this be art? I could almost smell the stench.

Oh look, he still has both ears.

I always enjoy statues over most anything else.

Happy Birthday Mom and Dad.
I love you.
Now for the ride links.

Ride Link 1 (wow, you can see me in the video. lol OHHH did you see the burnt out car at 4:36 minutes??)
At about 50 sec into the second video my font tire slips out on me. Cold tires. Took the wind out of my sails the rest of the ride.

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