Saturday, January 23, 2010

Bird Brain

One day I was at my parent’s house when my dad walked in with a little pigeon. It was a baby that was dying because the parents stopped taking care of it. It was sooooooo cold. I held the little bird for a long time trying to warm it. We then put it in a clay pot as its nest. We had to think of a name and I of course thought of Potsie. Potsie went from almost dead to a healthy bird after time. It was nice to help save a life. I just love animals.
What we did not know at the time was Potise was the start of something bigger. It seemed that as time has gone by these last few years, my parents have been finding more birds that need to be saved. My mom has turned into a mother hen now. They have had a few birds that they have had to take care of and have saved. The best part is the names they have given them.
1. Potsie (I came up with that one)
2. Popsicle ( It was very cold to the touch and not moving)
3. Mr. Peepers (It would peep every time they would walk by its bowl/cage)
4. Peeperino (Another peeping bird)
5. Lucy (It was a red/dark rust colored bird)
Now they have two at the same time that they are taking care of. They are now called….
6. Frick and Frack
There was a lot of “squawking” going on over the birds. I am glad that they could “flock” together as a couple and save the birds. I don’t know if they knew “feather” or not the birds would live, but they all did. I know it was a “Bird’en” on them, but it was worth it. Awwwww I see my puns have “Beak’ed” your interest. Thank you for putting up with my jokes. I hope they did not leave a “fowl” taste at the end of this blog. I guess after being “cooped” up inside after all this rain, I am a little off.



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