Sunday, January 10, 2010

Lights, Camera, Action

Lights, Camera, Action. Or should it be action, a camera, and cop lights????

It was another pretty day here in SoCal so I thought I would go for a ride with my club friends. The schedule ride was the same one I have been doing on the supermoto the last few weekends. I am kind of getting tired of the ride, but thought it would be nice still. I had a pretty good time. I have lots on my mind so I don’t feel very clear headed. My rhythm was a little off, but it was still an ok day.
On our way back there were 4 of us. Josh and I made it through a yellow light. Mako and Mike were stuck at the light with two cops behind them. Josh and I pulled over to wait for our friends. When the light was green for them they kept going as the cops stopped behind Josh and me and turned their lights on. It seems that Josh’s plates were not in the correct location and harder to see, as well as, not having a red reflector on the back. Oh and his tags were expired and he could not find his insurance card. (He was killing me. Thank goodness he is the nicest guy.) They said to him,” See, like her bike. The plate we can see and there is a reflector.” I thought it was funny that they used me as a positive example for riding. I seem to recall I was just going ** in a 45 ( I better not say, my mom reads this. Hi Mom, don’t worry. It’s all good. ) I took a 40MPH turn going 80. (40MPH was the yellow sign that is a recommendation of the corner speed. As you can see I am capable of higher speeds when negotiating that particular turn…….Hey, did she buy it??? ) I get yelled at, at the track by instructors about my speeding (is that possible at the track???) and I have been black flagged at the track. When am I a good example of riding? LOL In my defense I was correct when I got yelled at and got an apology. I was also cleared for my black flag by an instructor as well. I guess I am not that bad. (Lisa’s horns pop out of the top of her head.)

Here are my riding videos
(Videos still loading at this time. Will add later tonight.)
Link 1

Link 2

Link 3 (Hummm Awwww Yeaaahhhhhh, I may want to slow this section down next time.)

Link 4

:-) Have a wonderul day.


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